We at Nazarian Optometry are concerned about the rising number of school aged children with short sightedness (Myopia). In our community we are seeing an increase in cases, especially if there is a family history of Myopia.
Myopia has become an almost epidemic for school age children around the world, for example the incidence are:
In Australia the prevalence of Myopia is about 5% and increasing, this has doubled in the last 10 years. To prevent the progression of this problem, at our practice we have been treating patients with Atropine drops for a few years.
Atropine as a pharmaceutical medication has been known for many years to reduce myopia progression; researchers found that low concentrations of atropine is effective in controlling myopia. The ATOM1 Myopia study in Singapore found with a low-dose form of atropine, there was around 50% reduction in rate of progression.
Atropine eye drops are placed in the child’s eyes once a day, at nighttime before sleep. A one-week trial is recommended to ensure no unexpected side effects. The child's usual form of vision correction; glasses and/or contact lenses — are worn. Treatment effect is monitored every 3 months. Length of treatment is typically 2 years but can vary after evaluation of its myopia control effect on the child.
In addition to Atropine treatment we advise all parents wanting to minimize the progression of short sightedness to consider the following:
We at Nazarian Optometrist are passionate about our work and want to assist all children in our community. Our goal is to minimize progression of short sightedness. We have specialized clinics and equipment to monitor and treat all school aged children with Atropine eye drops. We continue to bulk bill all our treatments. If you have any concerns about your child’s vision or want to prevent any worsening of their eyesight, please contact us for a bulk billed examination.
Phone: (02) 9622 2832
For 24 Hour Service: 0404-366-613
Email: jnoptometrist@gmail.com
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